Corona Virus News School Closure Update

Good evening all

The Government has tonight (Wednesday, 18 March) announced that all schools in England will close from Friday (20 March) to the majority of pupils and ‘until further notice’.

All schools are  expected to make provision for the children of key workers, including health service staff and the police, and for the most vulnerable children, which include those who have a social worker and those with education, health and care plans, so you will need to retain some staff on site.   If you are a key worker – an employee who provides a vital service, especially in the police, health, or education sectors (a definitive outline of this will be published by the Department of Education tomorrow) – please email me directly at so I can plan accordingly.

We have had it confirmed that examinations and assessments will not take place this year.  This does not mean learning will stop.  We want our children, particularly those in Y6 to continue to learn and be ready for secondary schools.

By the end of this week, I will provide updates to parents and carers with regards our contingency plans regarding ‘remote learning’.  This letter will provide specific details, but this learning will commence on Tuesday 24th March to allow the staff and I to fully prepare for the next steps.  Look out for communications from me tomorrow regarding this.

As well as support announced by the Government, Camden has been  been working closely with  Caterlink about continuing to secure access to  children eligible for free school meals now that it has been confirmed that the schools will close across Camden.    More on this to follow.

In the meantime, if your child is at home, please continue with daily reading and use google classroom, Purple Mash etc to keep them learning.

I realise this is a difficult and uncertain time for our community but wish to thank you all for continuing to bring your children to school and/or keeping in touch with us about your child’s absence.    We remain committed to ensuring your child receives the best education and to reassure you of our commitment to you and the children during the school closure.  We have an amazing community and by  working together we will rise strong on the other side.


Stay strong all and please get in touch if you need anything from you.





The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday), 10am to 4pm (Saturday to Sunday)