Mysterious Shed Apparition

Today in the Top Hall a mysterious shed, addressed to the school and wrapped in brown paper with ‘Earth’ written on the label, was discovered. No one has any idea about how it got there, but rumours of a loud bang and flashing lights were reported by the neighbours on Saturday night. During an emergency assembly, first thing on Monday morning, to try and discover whether anyone could shed any light on the delivery, peculiar noises and smells were detected coming from the structure.

” I heard the sound of flooding water,” declared a worried looking Y6 pupil.

“Children’s voices came from inside,” and even, “Chldren were calling for help,” was reported by other pupils. Classes have been back to the hall since and have been trying to work out what it is all about.

Year 6 have surmised that it is an interplanetary warden, disguised as a beach hut. It is here to check up on how things are on Earth, and the reason sounds of the sea could be heard is because of the worrying situation of plastic pollution in the oceans. They think the strange object is not really a shed at all and that it has been sent by people in the future to warn us that we need to act to save our planet.

Year 5 have planned a recount of the events. They are dubious as to its purpose and skeptical about its provenance. However, they have been getting out the thesauruses and using drama to explore their feelings around the event.

Year 4 think the shed might be on a journey to visit different schools. They are going to write a book of stories about its visit and visits to other schools.

Debates have raged in Year 3 as to whether they should try and get in to the shed (so far noone has been able to do so) and they will be writing up their points and counter points using the conventions of argument.

Since the assembly, further strange details have come to light: a pair of flip-flops, a pile of sand and some beach shells have all been found in the vacinity of the shed.

Watch this space to find out more about this alarming state of affairs and to see the outcomes of the children’s thoughts and ideas.