Nursery’s journey to a magical place

Friday in Nursery started very strangely indeed.

We had recently read ‘The Magic Bed’ by John Burningham, a story about a boy called George who’s bed was magical and flew him to strange and unusual places. When the children arrived at school, they found a chest containing a note instructing them to follow ‘golden string’ clues to a magical world somewhere in school. It said the journey would be long and so we’d need to take food with us. Each member of the class made themselves a sandwich, wrapped it up and wrote their name on the packaging and then, armed with maps we’d made with Alice our wonderful resident artist and some magnifying glasses we set off on our quest!

Our journey took us to the very top of the school to a room called ‘The Penthouse’. When we reached it we crept up the stairs and into an amazing world. Inside was a crackling fireplace, lots of forest animals, plants and trees, beautiful materials and sparkling lights. The children were enchanted and were full of ideas about who’s room it was. Their ideas ranged from a pirate hideaway, Santa’s summer house, a unicorn’s forest, the place where all the fairy tale characters live to a hiding place for elves. We all ate our sandwiches in the magical space before adventuring back to Nursery, ready to write letters to whoever lives in the room to say ‘thank you’ for letting us visit. We’ll be returning there next week. What will be waiting for us?