School Closure……What happens next?

School will close from Friday 20th March at 3:30 as per Government advice.   At this point, we do not know the end point, so are planning indefinitely and will re-assess the situation as it develops. We will keep in regular contact with you.

The school building will only be open only to children of key workers and identified vulnerable children.  Teaching and learning will continue remotely and it is the expectation that parents and carers support us in ensuring children are following the planned activities which will be laid out shortly.    We are keen to ensure that our children continue to benefit from quality educational experiences from the comfort of their home, and that this is a positive experience for all.

I will keep you updated with texts and emails throughout the closure.  It is vital to keep in touch with you so please make sure your contact details are up to date in the office.

On Monday 23rd March, school staff will have a day to plan the learning activities for the children for the next week.   This learning will commence on Tuesday 24th March.

The majority of the work would be undertaken on google classroom and / or using our subscription software such as Purple Mash, Espresso and Interactive Resources.   Each year group will plan a summary of the learning, which will be posted onto the school website.  This will be texted to you with a link.

For Monday 23rd March, you will receive a suggested daily timetable to carry out at home, which will ensure you are ready for the following days of home learning.

We will provide you with a recommended timetable.   You can adapt this or take breaks where necessary but the expectation is that all children will engage in structured activities for the morning – parents will support this process and encourage the children to be independent, active, and engaged.  The teacher will be available from 9am to check in with the pupils and register on Google Classroom. Staff will then check work posted on Google at 1:30pm and you can book in a phone consultation with the teacher or member of support staff from 1.30 – 3pm at least once a week, and consultations with Tom and Jordan (Music & PE) can be arranged if necessary.

When the morning sessions of home learning end at 12:00 you will need to post the outcomes/learning on Google classroom for the teacher to check between. If you have not posted work for your child, your teacher will be in touch for an update. If your child is unwell on that day, or there is another reason why they cannot complete the work, please let the teacher know on Google Classroom so that we are aware.

We will also plan in some activities to promote your child’s physical and mental wellbeing, which as always remains our priority. With the help of our wonderful parents and community, we hope this can be turned into a positive experience for all.

Finally, reassure your child that this is a special shared home school experience and that they will keep up with their learning, break for the holidays, then come back. Be honest that we are shutting because we want to make sure we don’t get sick. Let your child know what they can expect of their temporary home learning experience – all of the details (timetable, expectations) are attached below.

Enjoy your home learning experience and know that we are here to support you remotely!  It is important children continue to learn during this disruption so please engage with this.   You can email or me at at any point.

A further letter will follow with more information and plans for children who have key worker parents and carers or are vulnerable.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
