05.12.14 Year 5 Home Learning

Maths: See your maths teacher.

Practice your quick recall of number bonds to 100

Word Magpies: Make a collection of words that mean “old” and “young”. Write two lists in your book.

Art:  Draw a portrait of someone in your family.  Use pencil and try and make it as accurate as you can.  If no one can sit foe you, you might need to use a photo instead.


Cut out a picture of a person in a newspaper or magazine.  Cut it in half, stick it in your book and draw the other


On the floor in front of me was an old Coca-Cola can.  It was closed so I picked it up.  It was vibrating!  I held it to my ear and I heard…snoring.  Slowly I tugged off the ring pull and …  finish this story.