Half Term Home Learning

English: Hundreds of years ago the English language sounded very different to what it sounds like now. We can still see that in the spelling of many words. For example, the word ‘knight’ was pronounced with a ‘k’ sound at the beginning. The ‘k’ in ‘knight’ is what we call a ‘silent letter’ – letters whose presence cannot be predicted from the pronounciation of the word. Investigate how many words you read during the half term that have a silent letter and write them down in your homework book.

Maths: Learn all your times tables. Challenge: learn the 19 times table!

Investigate the successive areas of light blue. What fraction of the total area of the square does the area of light blue take up in each case?

Can you work out what the next two diagrams would look like?

Art project: Katie would like to find out what art club YOU would like to have at our school. Design a poster with your idea and make sure to include the following information:

Who is the club is aimed at? (Older children? KS1? Year 3/4? EYFS?)

How could you run the club?

What training would you like and why?

What would be the main aim? (concert, assembly, film, art project?)

How would you organise it?

When would you prefer the club to be?

How long would the club be for?

How many weeks would you run the club for?