1K Explores the Museum of Childhood

We all love toys in 1K. We all have our favourites and love to play with our friends, family or on our own. But have toys always been like they are today? Have children always had the same lifestyles, the same games to play, the same clothes, beds and bikes? If not, what are the differences between what we have now and what children might have had historically? We decided to go to the Museum of Childhood in Bethnal Green to find out!

We gave the children challenges at the start of the day. They had to find the oldest toy in the museum. They then had to note when it was made, how many years ago and what material it was made from. They also had to find their favourite toy and note when it was made and what it was made of.

We also had an educational workshop with one of the museum experts, who allowed us to learn about and explore toys from the olden days and helped us to understand that materials used now are very different from the materials used historically. Fragile china, heavy wood and metal have now been replaced in a lot of cases. The invention of plastic has allowed for us to have toys that are brighter, less fragile and more water resistant.

We were them allowed to design our own toy!

What a fun day!