Chick Chick Chick Chick Chicken… Lay A Little Eggs For Me…

We have had the best two weeks EVER in Ladybirds.

This half term we have been focusing on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The Golden Hen (from the story) sent the children a letter saying she is going on a staycation for 2 weeks and would we be able to look after her eggs. The children were so excited and said “of course we will”. Amazingly, the eggs arrived. We kept them nice and warm in the incubator until they hatched. The children watched eagerly, observing any changes, drawing and writing what they saw.

We also thought about how we could care for the chicks once they arrived.

Last week our eggs hatched into 7 little chicks. This week we have been able to hold them, play with them and feed them! We pulled names out of the hat and we want to introduce you to: Wilma, Lucy, Lily, Princess, Leonardo, Georgia and Flowery.

We had so much fun creating a chick playground. We thought about what we wanted to build first and designed it. Then using a variety of different materials from around the classroom, including duplo, wooden blocks and junk modelling, we made the most AMAZING playground for our chicks to play in. We watched on as they explored the swimming pool, the sandpit, the slides, the castles and swings. It looked like they had so much fun.

Thank you so much Golden Hen for letting us look after your eggs. We will miss the chicks so much!