How does the Corona Virus affect your child’s learning?

We are using an online approach – Evidence Me in EYFS and Google Classroom in KS1 and KS2.  We have tried to ensure all our children have a device or paper copies of learning posted.  Where there are issues with access or connectivity, we will work with families to resolve them and find alternative ways for their children to complete their work.

Of course, working in this way does not replicate the learning that would normally take place in the classroom. It is not possible to cover the curriculum but we will provide activities that are fun, engaging and enable each child to keep their skills and knowledge as up to date as possible. We acknowledge that the learning and outcomes will be different.

Most of the work will be revision before introducing new concepts.  We do not expect parents and carers to become ‘teachers’ like us so the work set must be manageable for all.  Each week, the teachers will design work that is a mixture of revision and activities that the children can do independently. Some activities will be short and so completed quickly whilst others may take longer.

Each morning, classroom staff will log onto google classrooms, register the children and post the work for that day, during the day they will be available to answer questions or comment on work submitted. The children are expected to log on each day and complete the work provided although there is the flexibility for this to fit into your home schedule.   Monday afternoons are PE and Music lessons (Tom and Jordan will post for the whole school, but teachers will be offline for planning and preparation).

In EYFS, the team will be posting sessions for you to support the children’s learning as well as activities for you to do at home.  There will be opportunity for you to exchange observations with the class teachers as well.

We will call you once a week to check everything is ok.  In addition, if children are not logging on, the teacher will call to find out why and offer support.

Ensuring that classroom staff look after their own health during this time is also a priority and so have been instructed to take regular breaks from the computer. Therefore there may be times that your child’s question is not answered immediately. We have factored in weekly ‘well-being’ times when learning will be offline.  Teachers and Support Staff are also part of the in school rota and on those days their classroom will be checked by another adult.

We will not be providing live lessons.

Some teachers have expressed an interest in arranging virtual class hangout so that children can see each other, share their art work or poetry with their friends. However this practice is optional and not policy.

As parents and carers, you are not expected to take the place of the teacher. If you have any questions about your child’s work or logging on to google classroom, please contact your child’s teacher, email or leave a message on the school phone. The messages are checked every day and your message will be passed on to the relevant person.

Whilst learning will be a valuable part of every day, it is important to balance periods of sitting with physical activity, fresh air and time for breaks. This will support your child’s learning as well as the whole families’ wellbeing.

We are all learning to work in a new way so I hope what we have provided so far for your child meets their needs as much as is possible at this time.  As things change, our approach may also change. If this happens, we will let you know via our website and parent hub.

In the meantime, stay safe and we hope to see everyone back soon!

