Inclusion, Equality & British Values

At Primrose Hill we believe passionately in the importance of inclusion and equality for all children and adults, and strive to ensure these values are at the heart of our practices.


Primrose Hill is an inclusive school where we focus on the well-being and progress of every child. We have high expectations of all our children. To ensure they achieve their potential we engage a range of strategies to issue challenge at an appropriate level, and provide support to overcome barriers to learning. Children with special educational needs are catered for within their own class and, where useful, may be withdrawn for short periods to work with a specialist adult, individually or in a small group. We aim to ensure that all children are challenged in their learning at Primrose Hill. All children have equal access to the curriculum.


At Primrose Hill we are committed to valuing diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people. We aim to provide an education which is sensitive to individual needs and accessible to all children regardless of special educational need, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion and belief, gender reassignment or disability. The school seeks to promote awareness, understanding and respect for diversity in our world. This is achieved through the celebration of special days and festivals; an engagement with awareness raising events such as national Refugee Week; and the embedding of lessons learned through the achievements of individuals from diverse backgrounds across disciplines and through history.

British Values

The British Government defined its concept of ‘British Values’ in its 2011 Prevent Strategy, and since 2014 the Department for Education has required all schools to “promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.  Our British Values statement was updated in line with our new Curriculum in January 2020.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is embedded in its ethos and culture; this Convention is based on many of the same values as those listed in the Department for Education’s definition of British Values.

Our School has a wonderfully diverse community and welcomes and values everyone, whatever their ability, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or background. As a primary school, we believe we have a vital role in combating discrimination and promoting fairness, justice and equality through our teaching and in the role models we offer. We teach the children to be responsible citizens and positive representatives of the United Kingdom within the wider world.

Information on how we weave British Values throughout our curriculum is in under the ‘Curriculum’ tab in the School Info section of this website.


Vision and Values